Sunday 9 December 2012

Weightwatchers rebranding

Pentagram have rebranded the popular weight loss program: Weightwatchers. This new look has been launched in the US and will be launched in the UK if the trial is deemed successful. I feel the new branding has more of a corporate feel to it which could reflect the business direction the brand is wishing to take. It also means that it's more likely to work well across various platforms because of the simple design so it will be easily transferred and recognised. The gradient on the copy is said to resemble the transformation people go through when attending weightwatchers classes and could represent how they may go from a 'dark place' to a 'lighter' place after they've lost weight. I think this design is much more modern than the older design however I don't think it reflects the welcoming and inviting nature of weightwatchers so I feel it could in fact put people off.

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