Thursday 6 December 2012

Save the Children christmas jumpers

Celebrities this year are supporting Save the Children's charity day on December 14th by swapping their usual glamourous outfits for traditional christmas jumpers. Myleene Klass, Mark Wright and presenter Jon Snow are just some of the celebrities taking part. The campaign is encouraging people to donate £1 to the charity and join in the festive spirit by wearing their favourite christmas jumper on the 14th. 
I personally like how the charity has chosen to take a fun approach and actively involve their audience rather than placing a hard hitting or ineffective ad in a newspaper or on television. Often around the christmas periods it's charities which may be forgotten or over shadowed because we as an audience are faced more with glamourous Coca Cola ads or the latest John Lewis ad. Having celebrity endorsements as part of the Save the Children campaign creates more attention and is more likely to be successful because fans of the celebrities are most likely to follow suit. More information on the campaign can be read at 

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