Sunday, 9 December 2012

American Apparel Banned Ads

The ASA have banned 7 ads from American Apparel's website deeming them "overtly sexual" and "inappropriate" because the content could have been viewed by children. It's quite obvious why the ASA banned these ads and I do think they were right to, I think when brands try to be sexual it's very hard not to overstep the mark. It's not the first time the ASA has banned their ads, in 2009 for it's use of a "particularly naked model who appeared under the age of 16". These ads remind me of the United Colors of Benetton ads which were there to create a reaction rather than focus on the actual products. Possibly American Apparel actually aimed to get their advertising banned just so people would talk about it, often this has more of a positive impact because more people hear about the brand in that way.
However for some people they might now be put off because it's a negative representation so this could impact onto their sales if people then turn to a competitor to buy their clothes.  

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