Sunday 9 December 2012

Npower switches

Npower is switching its marketing strategy from sports sponsorships to ties with charities including Macmillan Cancer Support. In doing this I think it will improve their corporate social responsibility and provide them with a brand identity that makes them seem socially aware and caring. Also as energy companies often just continue to put their bill prices up this is proving to customers how Npower are giving something back to the community. Debbie Britton is currently the director of customer marketing for Npower and has commented that she feels connections with charities is the route forward for Npower. This strategy is similar to that of Waitrose in their christmas campaign this year which saw them ditch a glamourous christmas advert in favour of donating that money to local charities. Celebrity endorsement is so common with many brands nowadays having links with charity instead persuades more customers to join Npower because they feel they are part of a positive brand.

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