Sunday 9 December 2012

Greenpeace sabotage Waitrose ad #dumpshell

It wasn't long ago I was blogging about how Greenpeace had created spoof adverts for Shell demonstrating their negative impact on the environment and now they've done it again, still targeting Shell, but within a Waitrose ad. A group called The Agents of Intervention have created this new advert. They have cleverly manipulated the voices of Waitrose's ambassadors Delia Smith and Heston Blumenthal to encourage viewers to #dumpshell. This comes after Waitrose are trialling their stores within Shell petrol stations following their recent christmas campaign which demonstrates the supermarkets donations to charity.
Although the subject Greenpeace are talking about is a serious one I find this quite humourous which is why I think it works well because people are more likely to remember it. Greenpeace are notorious for going out their way to shame any company that appears to be impacting badly onto the environment and they haven't held back here either. I personally don't think many Waitrose customers will change to a different supermarket because of Greenpeace's work however if this ad went viral it could affect Waitrose's brand identity in the future.

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