Saturday, 10 November 2012

'Don't let winter get you down'

This is the new ad by BBH for RAC since they picked up the business in the summer. The RAC have commented that the ad is a 'departure from the campaigns normally employed by the breakdown industry'. The traditional child-like music in the background works well in making the ad appear more fairytale like and is more positive than previous ads which often focus on the fear of breaking down and are often serious. It creates a nice juxtaposition in that it is a friendly, welcoming approach to the serious and dangerous subject of breaking down during winter. Introducing the children playing in the ad suggests that RAC are hoping to aim at the family audience. They have also created a new USP as a brand because the ad is selling a new 'At Home' service for anyone who joins this winter so it makes a change for a breakdown ad to not have the common image of being stuck at the side of a motorway.

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