Sunday 14 October 2012

The Red Bull Stratos

The Red Bull Stratos. Red Bull sponsored Felix Baumgartner who today broke the record for the highest ever sky dive out of a balloon. He is currently waiting to find out if he achieved his intended record which was to break the sound barrier during his descent. Watching the video it was a long 2 hour wait and pretty boring up until he reached 128,000 ft when he finally took the jump and for the next 4 minutes during his fall I think I might have stopped breathing for a second.
However it's not just for the amazing jump that I chose to blog about this the reason is I think Red Bull have done themselves a favour in choosing to sponsor Felix. His jump lives up to the brand's slogan of 'Red Bull gives you wings' which I think is a clever move for them because this could easily lead on to future ads. Red Bull also made sure they were noticed by strategically placing their logo on Felix's helmet and suit directly in view of each camera. Obviously Red Bull are already a brand linked to sport but I think the Stratos space jump will raise even more attention to the brand.

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